If you want to become a better worship piano player, you need to learn more worship songs,


Immerse yourself in worship music,


Challenge yourself to learn new songs, even songs that aren't on your church's regular rotation.


By doing this, you'll start to train your ear to recognize the role the piano has in a worship band, then you will be able to cover that role, and adapt it to what is needed at your church.


This video that will teach you how to play three super popular modern worship songs on piano. If you follow along with this video, you'll not only be able to play three worship songs from piano, but, you can apply the techniques learned to any other worship song on this weeks setlist. 



Roland Craig
Roland Craig 28/09/2023

These videos helping people grow in their skills are the bomb…
Keep up the awesome work

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Song Specific Patches in the Sunday Keys App!


Phil Wickham Must Be Stopped - Why Churches Love Phil Wickham Songs

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