- New Experimental instrument category added.
- New Pianos: Soft Piano, Plastic Grand
- New Pads: Super String Pad, Angular Motion Pad, Regal Pad
- New Synth Leads: Hypnotic Bell Lead, Mile Long Lead
- New Electric Pianos: Warm Digi Roads
- New BPM/Arps: Impervious Arp, Fantastical Arp
- New Organs: All Stops Organ
- New Bass instrument: Condition Bass
- New Soundbeds: Stringspace, Revving Soundbed, Despair on Pluto
- New Live Sequences: Fantastical Sequence, Time Cave Sequence, Daft Sequence
- New Live Grooves: Sub Powered, Washy Swing 6/8, Praise Groove
- New Experimental instruments: Merry Go Round Chiff, Merry Go Round Arp, Merry Go Round Pad, Wells Soundbed, Mary’s Harp Alpha, Mary’s Harp Soundbed
- 10 New Layered Patches: A Burn or a Shiver; Approaching Mercy; Cyber City; Gentle Nuance; Guaranteed Classic; Punch, Kick, and Run; Stay Dry, Desert; Synthetic Vision; Take A Break; Wall of Sound