This pad is boring!
Once in a while, I see these kinds of comments-
And maybe you hear this feedback, too. (Probably from your own inner critic).
But let’s break that misconception- Pads are NOT boring!
At least, they don’t have to be.
With the right combination of sounds, chord structures, textures, and layers, you can craft beautiful, rich, totally not-boring pads. And that’s what the video below is all about!
Another simple technique breaks down as follows: (using key of “C” as example)
1. Thumb on middle “C” and pinky on “G”. These stay in place. Now, add the following variations:
Variation #1 Middle finger on “E”. Alternates with index finger on “D”. Back and forth. (Creates sus2 tension/resolve effect)
Variation #2 4th finger on “F”. Alternates with middle finger on “E”. Back and forth. (Creates sus4 tension/resolve effect)
The above is very simple. The bass (Low “C” can stay in place) does not need to move. Good for short pauses. It works.
A slightly more advanced and useful variation works as follows: (Thumb and pinky stay on “C” and “G” respectively)
Variation #3 4th finger on “F”. Alternates with middle finger “E” (sus4 resolve). THEN, from “E” alternate down to index
finger on “D”. Back to middle finger “E” (sus2 resolve) followed by back up to 4th finger “F”. REPEATING.
This provides a series of sus2 and sus4 resolutions that require no hand movements and no patch changes
yet offers a subtle sense of change and mood. Good for longer placements. Minimalistic. Effective.