Sunday Keys Update History
Sunday Keys Update
March 4, 2025 - Sunday Keys Update
16 New Sounds
After Mourning Pad, Brass Bubbles | Arp, Brass Bubbles | Keys, Brass Bubbles | Sequence, Crystal Reverse Vox, French Horn | Ens Swell, Harmonium | Dry, Harmonium | Fast Trem, Harmonium \ Parisian, Reconciled Pad, Risen Sun Pad, Rising Feedback | Lead, Rising Feedback | Pad, Smooth Vox Pad, Sub 808 | Bass, Sub 808 | Rumble
4 New Tonic Pad Presets (standalone App only): Fountain Deep, Height and Depth, Rumbler, Triple Bells
4 New Tonic Pad Layers (standalone App only): Bell Pad, Deep Harmony, Rumbler, Stone Rolling,
5 New Layered Patches
Note: Patches are pre-made in the standalone App and MainStage, combine the noted Sounds in Live to recreate
At Dawn: Brass Bubbles | Keys, Risen Sun Pad, Rising Feedback | Lead, Layered Reverses
Entering the Tomb: SK Felt Piano | Room, Smooth Vox Pad, Crystal Reverse Vox, Wispy Violin | Moody Trem, French Horn | Ens Swell
Piano and Warm Orchestra: SK Grand | Hall, String Ens Swell, French Horn | Ens Swell, Trombone | Longs Quartet, Smooth Vox Pad
Punchy Piano and Pads: Model B Grand | Hall, Reconciled Pad, J-60 One Two Pad, Sub 808 | Bass, Sub 808 | Rumble
Spread the News!: Model B Grand | Hall, Rising Feedback | Pad, After Mourning Pad, Brass Bubbles | Arp, Brighten Down Sequence
Sunday Keys Update
February 3, 2025 - Sunday Keys Update
11 New Sounds
Strings: SK Cello | Flautando, SK Cello | Harmonics, SK Cello | Legato, SK Cello | Pizzicato, SK Cello | Staccato, SK Cello | Waves, Wispy Cello | Evo, Wispy Cello | Fast Waves, Wispy Cello | Flautando, Wispy Cello | Harmonics, Wispy Cello | Slow Waves
3 Pad Presets: Firmament, Respite, Throne Room
3 Pad Preset Layers: Strings | Crunchy Cellos, Strings | Moody Cellos, Strings | Evo Cellos
5 Layered Patches
(Patches are pre-made in MS3, combine the noted sounds in Live to recreate.)
Courtyard Dusk: Mini Piano | Felt Dark, Mini Piano | Pure Dark, Wispy Cello | Eco, The Archive Pad, Rewind | Midnight Keys
Grateful Breath: SK Grand v2 Extra Soft | Studio, Gentle Pad, SK Cello | Flautando, Wispy Cello | Slow Waves, Sub Bass
Noisy Ambience: Mini Piano | Felt Noisy, SK Cello | Pizzicato, Piano Memories | Keys, Wispy Cello | Harmonics, Deep Shimmer Pad
Rehearsal Hall: SK-20 E Piano 1 | Ballad, SK Cello | Staccato, Wispy Cello | Evo, Epic Verb Pad | Full, Crystal Short | Felt
Songwriting Whimsy: SK Upright | Room, SK Cello | Staccato, SK Cello | Legato, Free Vox Pad, SK Glockenspiel | Room
Sunday Keys Update
January 7, 2025 - Sunday Keys Update
19 New Sounds
Piano & Keys: Mini Piano | Felt Dark,
Bass: Stock Bass Gentle | Direct,
10 Layered Patches
(Patches are pre-made in MS3, combine the noted sounds in Live to recreate.)
Eighties Soft Pop (C): Wallpaper Pad, Stock Bass Plucked | Chorus, Operator Guitar, Dulci Synth Bell | Seq, Power Noise | Arp Bass
Felted Staples: Mini Piano | Felt Dark, Stock Bass Gentle | Direct, Rich Synth Pad, Pro Square | Poly Lead
Fuzzy Small Piano: Mini Piano | Felt Low Oc, Rewind | Midnight Keys, Rewind | Frozen Guitar, Station Air | Lead
Mini Piano and Pads: Mini Piano | Pure Room, Not a Toy Pad, Warm Pad 2, BOB | Sus Bass
Modwheel Intensity: Church Grand | Hall, Dreamy Plucked Piano, The Forge Pad, Stock Bass Picked | Direct, Fantastical Arp
Nineties CCM: DX E Piano 1 | Dry, Stock Bass Plucked | Direct, Altar Call Pad, SK-20 E Piano 2 | Crystal, String Ensemble Swell,
Piano Reverse Piano: SK Grand v2 Soft | Hall, Stock Bass Muted | Direct, Layered Reverses, Thawing Glacia | Pad, Rewind | Sines
Piano Stack Ambience: SK CP-80 | Smashed, Mini Piano | Felt Lite, Almost Warm Pad, Guitar Trem Pad
Small Upright Highlight: Mini Piano | Pure Dark, CF Choir Pad | Hope, Snow Shimmer Pad, Mother Synth | Bass, Glass Bowl | Keys
Worn Piano and Pads: Mini Piano | Pure Worn, Mello | Nylon Guitar, Mello | Orchestra, Mello Shimmer Pad