8 New Sounds
Keys: Rewind | Harmonic Plucks, Rewind | Midnight Keys, Rewind | Sines
Pads: Rewind | Frozen Guitar, Rewind | Guitar Atmos, Rewind | Guitar Texture,
Bass: Rewind | Juno Bass, Rewind Toasty Bass
5 Layered Patches
(Patches are pre-made in MS3, combine the noted sounds in Live to recreate.)
Be Kind, Rewind: Rewind | Midnight Keys, Rewind | Sines, Rewind | Harmonic Plucks, Rewind | Guitar Texture, Rewind | Juno Bass
Piano Pad Mood: SK Grand v2 Main | Crushed, SK Felt Piano | Hall, Carousel Keys, Rewind | Guitar Atmos, Rewind | Frozen Guitar
Punchy Bass and Guitar: Operator Guitar, Custom Jet Guitar | Ambient, Rewind | Guitar Atmos, Rewind | Toasty Bass
Retro Music Box: Rewind | Sines, Definitive | Pad, Brilliant Synth Bells, Hawkins Synth | Sus Bass, Wired Vox Lead
Subdued Glass: Glass Bowl | Keys, Auld Lang Chime | Bell Lead, Rewind | Harmonic Plucks, JX Trackpad | Sweep