16 New Sounds 

After Mourning Pad, Brass Bubbles | Arp, Brass Bubbles | Keys, Brass Bubbles | Sequence, Crystal Reverse Vox, French Horn | Ens Swell, Harmonium | Dry, Harmonium | Fast Trem, Harmonium \ Parisian, Reconciled Pad, Risen Sun Pad, Rising Feedback | Lead, Rising Feedback | Pad, Smooth Vox Pad, Sub 808 | Bass, Sub 808 | Rumble

4 New Tonic Pad Presets (standalone App only): Fountain Deep, Height and Depth, Rumbler, Triple Bells

4 New Tonic Pad Layers (standalone App only): Bell Pad, Deep Harmony, Rumbler, Stone Rolling, 

5 New Layered Patches 

Note: Patches are pre-made in the standalone App and MainStage, combine the noted Sounds in Live to recreate

At Dawn: Brass Bubbles | Keys, Risen Sun Pad, Rising Feedback | Lead, Layered Reverses

Entering the Tomb: SK Felt Piano | Room, Smooth Vox Pad, Crystal Reverse Vox, Wispy Violin | Moody Trem, French Horn | Ens Swell

Piano and Warm Orchestra: SK Grand | Hall, String Ens Swell, French Horn | Ens Swell, Trombone | Longs Quartet, Smooth Vox Pad

Punchy Piano and Pads: Model B Grand | Hall, Reconciled Pad, J-60 One Two Pad, Sub 808 | Bass, Sub 808 | Rumble

Spread the News!: Model B Grand | Hall, Rising Feedback | Pad, After Mourning Pad, Brass Bubbles | Arp, Brighten Down Sequence


February 3, 2025 - Sunday Keys Update

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Sunday Keys 

The ready to use template designed to be the foundation of your worship  keys rig

Sunday Keys is the all in one, 'done for you' solution for worship keys players who want to make an impact on their worship team with amazing worship sounds, intuitive visuals, and powerful workflows and features for preparation and performance. 

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For Ableton Live