14 New Sounds
Keys: Vinyl Feedback | Keys, Vinyl Flute | Keys, Vinyl Roads | Keys
Pads: Dusty Harmonics Pad, Station Air | Pad, Tame Celeste | Soundbed, Vinyl Feedback | Soundbed, Vinyl Flute | Pad, Vinyl Horn Pad, Vinyl Noise Pad, Vinyl Organ Pad, Vinyl Roads | Pad, Worn Cinema Pad
Leads: Station Air | Lead
7 Layered Patches
(Patches are pre-made in MS3, combine the noted sounds in Live to recreate.)
Drenched Vinyl: Vinyl Flute | Keys, Vinyl Feedback | Soundbed, Vinyl Ambience, Agro Bass | Pluck
Full Ambience: Ballad Upright | Ambient, Station Air | Pad, Vinyl Horn Pad, Cheesecake Lead, Sub Bass
Just Pads: Dusty Harmonics Pad, Aggressive Snow, Hawkins Synth | Pad, Station Air | Pad
Lofi Altar Call: Vinyl Roads | Pad, Station Air | Pad, Matriarch | Bass, Everglow Upright | Clean Lofi
Supported Piano: SK Grand | Soft, Vinyl Feedback | Keys, Vinyl Organ Pad
Synthtopia: Carousel Keys, Worn Cinema Pad, Vinyl Noise Pad, Station Air | Lead, MT-46 Bass II | Sus
VHS Memories: Mello Flute | Keys, Tame Celeste | Soundbed, Free Vox | Arp, Vinyl Roads | Keys