This month and next we're celebrating two milestones.

First, the Sunday Keys App is celebrating one year in the App Store! Since we released the standalone Sunday Keys App for iPad last August it's been used by churches around the world and is now also available for Mac! 


Second, Sunday Keys itself is turning seven years old in just a few weeks. In the early days, Sunday Keys was a simple MainStage template featuring just four total sounds. A LOT has changed since then. 

We thought it might be fun to compare what Sunday Keys looked like all the way back then: 

and how the latest version of the Sunday Keys App looks now: 


It's been incredible to be able to build Sunday Keys in-step with the community over these last seven years and we're excited to keep going. 

For the next few days all new* Sunday Keys Licenses are 25% off as we celebrate this milestone and look towards the future.

Use the code "SUNDAYKEYS" at checkout to save!

Click here to shop during the sale!

Now if you're still reading... there was something that existed even BEFORE Sunday Keys. 

This was in the very early days, when we were just sorting out what it might look like...

It was called Worship Quickstart, and let's just say we're glad we've been able to refine things a bit since then ;) 

Here's what it looked like: 

Thanks for all the support these last seven years! 

Peter 29/08/2023

I feel your pain. My 2013 MacBook Air allows only MainStage 3.4. So I am using that for SundayGuitar/MainStage and plan use my iPad for Sunday Keys App. I would have thought the SK iPad app would do all that SK for MainStage would do and more? (Hoping ADMIN could comment on this statement)

MainStage still a great program to have occess to on two Mac computers!

Rev. Alejandro Ramirez
Rev. Alejandro Ramirez 28/08/2023

Well, I must say, thanks for all the work put in to helping out musicians in making their craft better. Neverthless, I am using the 2021 and previous versions of SK, and I only use the app on my iPad. This is because my 2012 MacBook Pro and my 2014 MacBookAir do not support the newer versions of MainStage, lag too much on Ableton, and do not allow me to download the Apps (I did enjoy fully the betas on the MBAir. And between my stipend at church (for which I am forever grateful-I am aware that many musicians in my church’s Hispanic Regions do not get anything at all) and what I bring in to the home, I do not have enough to feed my family of five and feed my need for excellence in all that I do. Is there any other workaround for this right now, except what I am doing? I cannot even download the older versions.



Sounds EVERY Worship Keys Player Should Know


3 Levels of Worship Piano - Easy to Difficult

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Sunday Keys 

The ready to use template designed to be the foundation of your worship  keys rig

Sunday Keys is the all in one, 'done for you' solution for worship keys players who want to make an impact on their worship team with amazing worship sounds, intuitive visuals, and powerful workflows and features for preparation and performance. 

Discover Sunday Keys

For MainStage

Discover Sunday Keys

For Ableton Live