MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Hey friends, our new patch for the song “Our God” by Chris Tomlin is now available and it's a fun one! 

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from October 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from September 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from August 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from July 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from June 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from May 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here at Sunday Sounds, we love creating resources that help worship keys players with modern worship songs. Here is a list of the top worship song patches from April 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here is a list of the top worship song patches from March 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here is a list of the top worship song patches from February 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here is a list of the top worship song patches from January 2019!

MainStage Song Patches

worship song covers

Here is a list of the top worship song patches from December 2018!